Samuel Sears

Data Science Portfolio

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Samuel Sears

Innovative and resourceful Data Scientist with extensive business analysis experience. Quick to learn and leverage new technologies to deliver value. Proficient in handling of messy data and clearly communicating insights to stakeholders.

  • Coding Languages - Python, R, VBA
  • Machine Learning - Linear & logistic regression, decision trees, clustering, neural networks, Keras, TensorFlow, SKLearn, PyCaret
  • NLP - Lemmatization, stemming, word embedding, classification, topic modeling, sentiment analysis, NLTK, Gensim, Word2Vec
  • Other Technologies - Sqlite, Sqlalchemy, BeautifulSoup, MatPlotLib, Seaborn, PyCharm, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda, Google Colab, Git Bash, Github, Jenkins, Postman, Power BI, Tableau, Excel, AWS Lex, AWS Comprehend, AWS Lambda, Jira, Azure Devops, VersionOne, Confluence, Excel, Miro, Mural

  • Scrum - Professional Scrum Product Owner I (PSPO I)
  • Scrum - Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I)
  • Agile - PMIAgile Certified Practitioner
  • Agile - CertifiedSAFe 4Agilist
  • Design -LUMACertified Practitioner

  • Fun Facts
    • I received my private pilot's license in High School
    • My family has been Kansas City Chiefs season ticket holders since the franchise moved to Kansas City in 1963
    • I'm a competitive powerlifter

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