Abusive Chat Detection
Using machine learning to detect hate speech, offenive messages, and profanity in the chat space.
In this project, labeled tweets are examined to find associations between words in the tweets and hate or offensive language. The data sets are then processed and vectorized as a means to create machine learning models that predict whether or not a message contains hate speech or offensive language. The models are then used in addition to a list of profane words to create a pipeline for screening messages for inappropriate language. The pipeline is then tested on a labeled random sample from a customer service chat data set. Finally, a use case for this service is explained for the customer service chat domain.
Labeled Tweet Data
Bitext’s Customer Support Dataset
Final Datasets - Contains final datasets used for modeling
Raw Data - Raw datasets straight from the source
Saved Models - Contains hate speech model and offensive speech model saved using PyCaret
Exploratory Data Analysis.ipynb - Initial loading of data, word clouds
Predictive Modeling.ipynb - Data preprocessing, modeling prep, modeling, evalatuation, use case illustration
Report.pdf - Comprehensive technical report on the project
Presentation Deck.pdf - Presentation Video
- Python
- PyCaret
- Sklearn
- Seaborn
- Wordcloud
Samuel Sears @ssears219